Course Description

The Mandt System’s Technical level curriculum teaches essential skills in safely managing physical interactions, including the use of physical restraints when needed. Using the Relational chapters as the foundation for learning these critical concepts, the Technical training teaches that physical aggression typically occurs when an individual is feeling frustrated, anxious, or afraid and is not usually the result of a premeditated attack. At The Mandt System, we aim to give your staff the training to become so well-versed in handling nonphysical interactions that they do not need to use physical interactions. Our goal is to help reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of restraint, if not eliminate the need for it entirely.

Safety is of the utmost importance. Participants will learn the risks of restraint and how to recognize signs of distress. Restrictive practices, such as restraint, are to be used only for protection. All physical skills within the Mandt System® have been subjected to biomechanical assessment to ensure that the skills are as safe as possible.

Chapter 1 – 2 Overview

These initial chapters of The Mandt System curriculum dive into the Relational Levels. Chapter 1 – Primary Prevention emphasizes the importance of fostering healthy relationships by practicing interpersonal communication, distinguishing emotion from behavior, considering cultural diversity in relationships, and applying the R.A.D.A.R. model for effective interventions. Then, Chapter 2 – De-Escalation Skills uses these foundational skills to learn and demonstrate self-regulation techniques, apply the Mandt System® Crisis Cycle, and recognize the value of debriefing in building relationships and preventing crises.

Chapter 3: Technical Self-Protection Skills

Participants learn why people grab onto others, how to define immediate risk of harm, the seven concepts of physical interaction, and how to distinguish between situations requiring physical release and those that could be resolved through nonphysical release. Specific physical skills include Team members being pushed/pulled; avoidance, redirection, and covering; wrist, clothing, hair, finger, and bite releases; and release from strangulation. With each of these concepts, we maintain our commitment to treating everyone, from your staff members to the individuals they serve, with dignity and respect.

Chapter 4: Technical Holding Skills

Participants learn how to determine the purpose and procedures for the appropriate use of physical interaction as well as to distinguish between nonphysical assistance and physical assistance. Participants learn The Mandt System®’s prohibited practices when using physical interaction. Participants learn what the term physical restraint means and the criteria for when to use physical restraint. Participants understand the possible dangers of death and injury when using physical restraint. Participants learn the six signs of distress during physical restraint as defined by The Mandt System®. Participants learn the psychological and emotional effects of physical restraint.

The Conceptual Library

The Conceptual Library is now included at every level of training at no extra cost. The Conceptual Library is a collection of online resources covering key Mandt topics such as trauma-informed services and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

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Certification Details and Requirements

Certification in this course costs $2,995 USD or $4,115 CAD per instructor.

Instructors are certified for two years, and staff are certified for one year.

How Long is The Course?

For those recertifying, this course is two days. For new instructors, this course will take place over four days.

How Often Must I Recertify?

For instructors, you must recertify every two years. Students will have to recertify every year.

How Many Students Can An Instructor Teach At One Time?

Mandt chapters that do not teach physical skills have a 1 to 20 instructor-to-student ratio. Chapters that do teach physical skills have a 1 to 10 instructor-to-student ratio.

Are All the Skills Restraint?

No. Many of the skills taught in this course involve offering support for those you serve or removing yourself from someone experiencing challenging behavior.

Can We Teach Just the Restraints?

No. The Mandt System uses a graded system of alternatives. Chapter 3 Self Protection Skills is a prerequisite for Chapter 4.

Can I Take the Technical Skills If I’m Pregnant?

At The Mandt System, our training instructors are not licensed medical doctors. Because of this, we feel this decision should be left up to the individual and their doctor. We will provide detailed descriptions of the physical skills taught or use a video conference to show your doctor the physical skills you will be learning so that you can make an educated decision about whether participating in this course is right for you. We do ask that any person with a high-risk pregnancy not attend this training.

Do We Have to Teach All Our Staff Technical Skills?

No. Training staff in the Mandt System® is flexible and customizable, reducing cost and improving time management. Mandt instructors are not stuck with a “one-size fits all” method. Instructors have the option to teach “skills tracks” based on staff needs:

  • Self Protection Track
  • Standard Track (all skills)
  • Elementary Education Track
  • Secondary Education Track
  • Solo Staff Track
  • Observer/Monitor Track
Who We Serve

Enrollment and Contact Information

The RCT course is four days in person from 8 am to 5 pm each day. The course also includes two hours of eLearning, which is assigned after completing the in-person training.

We offer instructor courses across the US and Canada. Click here to view our course schedule and complete your registration.

We also offer the option to bring the instructor training onsite if you need to train a group of instructors at one time. Contact us to learn more about this option.

This comprehensive four-day course offers both in-person training sessions and normal access to eLearning resources. Your instructor team may participate in a Relational + Conceptual + Technical instructor training course at a location near you or through an on-site event tailored to your company’s needs.

For organizations already utilizing The Mandt System, registration for this course can be completed through the Mandt Resource Center. If you’re new to our training programs and need further guidance on getting started or finding suitable courses for your company, please reach out to us at or dial 800-810-0755. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

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