So as a Brit, my colleagues often ask if my family and I celebrate the 4th of July. I usually make some joke about it not being too late to for the US to be welcomed back into the fold of a constitutional Monarchy, or that the US was not supposed to have done so well in throwing off the ‘….injuries, usurpations and tyranny…’ of King George.
What I can certainly celebrate on the 4th of July are the principles underpinning the foundation of the Republic. Specifically, ‘….that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…’
In The Mandt System we also believe that certain truths underpin our philosophy, approach and ultimately our behavior. Specifically, the right to be treated with dignity and respect, the right to safety (Staff as well as individuals served), the right to freedom from overt control and coercion, the right to a trauma informed service, the right to positive behavior supports etc, etc…
So many of us, work in settings that have a mission and goals informed by founding principles. It is good to take time to reflect on these and how we can ensure that they are living elements in our daily work. That is what I will be reflecting upon on the 4th of July, and celebrating the great county I have made my home.
Simon Kemp – CEO